
Advertising and branding inspiration from New Zealand and the world. This is where envy and admiration collide.


28 May 2014

The Envy Collection Has Moved House > Please visit www.theenvycollection.com

Hi Everyone,

I decided it was time my blog grew up a little, slipped on a more sophisticated outfit and rented a place in a nicer suburb. 

Please join me at my new look blog: www.theenvycollection.com

I've been blogging since June 2011 and it's been a truly rewarding experience which has taught me so much. It's still a huge buzz when I meet people who have been reading this. Even though it often feels like I may be talking to myself it's still great fun. 

Since starting the blog has evolved from design, advertising and art ramblings to a focused NZ advertising blog. I'm always on the look out for new marketing and advertising inspiration. I'm looking forward to getting back into blogging more regularly, if you have any feedback on the new site or posts don't hesitate to leave a comment. 

Thanks for reading! 

~ Nicole